Well, until just about now this day has been crazy! I'm hosting a Halloween Event for my college kids tonight. Originally a young man who sells pumpkins was going to donate his left overs to us BUT he never returned my email or my phone call (annoying!). Then our secretary was going to bring me some pumpkins but she is sick today and was sick yesterday. She lives WAY out in the boonies so I wasn't about to go drive out and bug her while she's sick. On top of that I remembered that the paint we have here around church is old and crusty so I had to rush off to the craft store before even going into the office. So my plan was to work in the office in the morning I had a meeting with two students at noon and then I was going to rush home, eat lunch, whip up some corn bread to bake in the crock pot, then head out to find pumpkins and buy the rest of the groceries I needed for tonight. When I got home I discovered that someone (my husband) used all the cornmeal....kind of hard to make corn bread muffins with out cornmeal! I was getting a little frustrated with my day! I headed to the grocery store and low and behold they still had pumpkins! So I got all my shopping done for the party AND bought cornmeal. I rushed back home to whip up the cornbread and now I'm back at the office with literally nothing to do. Well, there are things I could do but nothing I HAVE to do! So that has been my day so far. I have a hair cut this afternoon. I've been growing my hair out and it's really getting annoying! I hope after this trim it will be a little more manageable!
I totally skipped my workout this morning. Last night the husband and I were in bed before 8pm...yes that's right before 8pm. We both had not slept well the night before me because he was snoring him because he claims I kept yelling at him for snoring! I swear I was asleep before 8:30. When the alarm went off at 5:30am I just couldn't bear the thought of running on the treadmill. I stayed in bed until 6:45am. I was worried I was getting sick but I feel pretty good today. My back has really been hurting when I sleep. Not sure what that's all about! I wish I could run after work it is so beautiful out! Sun shining and over 50 degrees! Alas with the hair cut and the party I don't think I'll have time. Maybe a short walk with the puppers!
Check out this AWESOME give away on Heather's Blog. Have a good day!
3.14 Friday Faves
8 hours ago
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