Hello blog world! Not much to say. I thought of so many things to post earlier but work has been busy and now I think they've slipped my mind.
Like I said work is busy, kind of frustrating. The programs I'm in charge of for Campus Ministry require leadership position fulfilled by students. It is my job to recruit such students. Well, let me tell you! College age students (at least the ones I'm working with) do not want to lead stuff! Especially if it's religious stuff. It's been like pulling teeth! I shouldn't really say that. I have had some positive responses but it has been challenging.
As far as that mission trip goes with my teens tomorrow is the deadline for them to apply. So far I have 3 for sures, 1 maybe but pretty sure, and that's it. I said I would do it if 5 people were interested so, we shall see!
In the world of babies and TTC, I recently checked in on Babyfit. I have been purposely avoiding this site because in the past I got a little to obsessed and then felt bad when I didn't get pregnant. There were a few women who I followed on this site starting almost a year ago (wow that's hard to believe!). Like I said I hadn't checked in for a while. One woman had her baby on time all was well. Another delivered about a month early but all is well too. The third mis-carried at 23 weeks! I felt so sad for this woman. She hadn't really maintained her blog since she got pregnant and now bam! It's full of sadness. I feel really sad for this woman. She had good looking ultra sounds and everything. So, I guess when I finally do get pregnant I'll have that to worry about too! I guess I'm over half way through the 2WW. I don't really feel pregnant. My husband said I must be because I at "an attitude" yesterday. I thought that was pretty funny.
This past weekend I switched my winter wardrobe with my summer wardrobe. I got out all the shorts and cute tops and remembered thinking when I put them away last fall, "I bet I won't even be getting these out as I'll be in maternity clothes." How wrong I was! I hope I don't have to get the winter clothes out again. The good news is I haven't gained any weight since last summer so everything fits well and looks good. I can't believe its been almost year since we started this journey! I feel like I've been thinking about it forever! Sigh! Nothing else to ramble about for now!
3.14 Friday Faves
7 hours ago
1 comment:
Thank you for your comment. I will be following your journey too.
I hope this is your month!!
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