So, I've been kind of a slacker lately. I've slacked off on this blog, I haven't done my noon prayer ritual, and I've even been slacking at work! Don't worry I haven't broken my facebook Lenten promise. In my defense (or rather as an excuse) I have been really sick with a nasty cold! I am starting to feel better though so that excuse shouldn't hold up for too long! As far a work goes there is just NOTHING pressing that needs to be done. Next week is Spring Break for the University and the public school district. Because of this I have called off Youth Ministry. For the past two years I've gone on a Spring Break service trip with our University students. This as been both a HUGE stress in my life as well as a blessing. I absolutely HATED driving that far. Last year I was the only "adult" leading and the previous year I had to keep up with the crazy priest who drove through Chicago like an Indy 500 racer! Last year we drove home on Good Friday in a blizzard. I lost control of the van I was driving and too it off the intersate and into a ditch getting rear ended in the process. No one was hurt in the process. It could have been a lot worse. It sacred the heck out of me. This year I am NOT going on trip! I have mixed feelings about this. Part of me is glad that the stress has been lifted from my shoulders. Another part of me will miss the blessings that this trip hadsbrought to me in the past. I always got to know some of our students so much better. It is such a joy to work with them outside of the "church" environment. The long drive and quality time together provided a lot of opportunity for discussion. I also learned a lot about myself on these trips in regards to ministry and what God was calling me to. Last year right before I left on the trip I interviewed for another job. The job was not even in ministry or church work. Initially the thought of leaving thrilled me. I felt that I needed to get out. While on the trip my attitude changed. I realized that I had many gifts to give the young people of this parish. Just because my work environment and co-workers weren't ideal that didn't mean I had to sacrifice who I was or what God was calling me to be. I found myself dreading the result of the interview. If they offered me a position how could I say yes when I knew (have always known) that ministry is where God was calling me to be? How could I say no to an offer of more money and a "normal" work environment? As always, God knows best and I didn't get the position. From that point on my attitude towards my ministry has changed. I'm not saying it has always been roses and sunshine but its better. The job itself has not changed, I have. In fact I haven't even looked for another job since that time. This is were I am called for now, and I know that.
Truth be told I honestly thought that I would be pregnant and unable to go on the service trip this year but alas that is not true and perhaps a story for another time.
3.14 Friday Faves
7 hours ago
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