So I am still on my happy start to summer high! Last night was great! One kid who did sign up didn't show up but two who didn't sign up did show up! They are such a delightful, easy going, fun group. I am really looking forward to working with them next year. After our pizza party I road my bike over to the public library which is always an enjoyable experience. It was warmer than it has been at night here so it was a very pleasant early summer ride back home. I was truly content.
In totally unrelated spiritual news. Today I went to Group Strength Training Class. The woman who teaches the class is my idol. She is so fun, energetic, she's thin but fit and athletic. As a hobby, I teach cycling classes at the Y. I'm also certified to teach Zumba classes but am not on the schedule. While I was filling up my water bottle the instructor said to me, "So, when are you going to teach group strength?" I explained how I would love to but need to be certified. I didn't even know that the instructor knew I was interested in doing this. She said she would remind the head of adult fitness about me! I was so flattered that she acknowledged that I would be good at this. It just made me happy. Plus I might be helping out with a Zumba kids class which would be really fun to. Yeah, life is good. Tonight the only thing I have to do is make dinner and watch Lost! Can't wait!
3.14 Friday Faves
8 hours ago
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