So, for a week or two now (maybe even longer) I've felt like I've been in "limbo". Meaning I was waiting to hear news about certain things in order to make other plans. It was really driving me nuts because I like to make plans and know what's going on. A long while ago I was waiting to for my youth to decide when they wanted to go on the Mission Trip. Once that was determined I could apply for graduate courses in June. But then I was waiting to hear if I got in and if I could get a scholarship. I wanted to do a triathlon this summer but grad school might have conflicted with it. So, today the director of the graduate program stopped by and said they could offer me half the cost of ONE class per semester. This works out PERFECTLY! I was really starting to freak out about taking 9 credits (3 classes) in 2 weeks and having to get the homework for those courses done in one month. Also if I did do all 9 there was no way I could do the Tri. The course the director suggested fits in perfectly with the Tri. the classes I teach at the YMCA and my responsibilities for Freshmen registration. The course I have to take in the fall isn't so perfect but I'll deal. As long as I get it in my planner now I'm committed. I'm so happy everything worked out...just like God planned...duh! I can just see our 2009 Christmas Letter now,
This past summer Kristin completed a Triathlon, started working on her master's degree AND took 5 young people to Iowa to help with the flood relief.
Now if only we could add to that letter,
Our greatest blessing of 2009 is finding out we are pregnant with our first child. We look forward to his/her arrival in 2010!
It will all happen in God's time, I know. A lot of posts from other blogs I read have been about waiting. It's always something to keep in mind. I feel like I have been "waiting" a lot this year but maybe not in a positive way. I'm going to try and do better as I enter another 2WW. I'll wait in joyful hope for whatever God has planned for me.
p.s. I'm wearing a shirt today that kind of makes me look pregnant. You know the type that has an umpire (empire?) waist and is really full on the bottom? Not sure how I feel about this. I like the top a lot and if I was pregnant I could probably wear it but... anyone else have troubles with these tops? I bought a couple at the end of last summer thinking they would come in handy when I did get pregnant but now I'm not so sure if I should wear them.
3.14 Friday Faves
8 hours ago
It's good to hear things are working out for you.
I have some of those shirts that make me look pregnant too...but that's the style right???
I forgot to answer the questions you left on my blog:
b/w stands for blood work, and I am 6 DPO. I am just a little ahead of you.
Don't you hate the 2WW!!!
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