I went on a nice long run today, same route as I pictured but this time it was not foggy! Actually it was warmer than it has been. In August I was wearing cropped pants and a wind breaker today shorts and a T-Shirt!
So the day started out good but then I got to work and became crabby! I have the very best intentions of being the best employee I can be, by working on my communications skills even though my "boss" is about as communicative as a door knob. Last week "the priest" (the head boss) told me I should talk to my other boss at least twice a week to check in with him and ask him if there is anything I need to do to prepare for the students coming back. I obliged even though this is some what challenging as I do not feel comfortable around him. I went to chat with him and reminded him that I would not be available Friday night (tonight) to help prepare care packages as I had grad school. I asked if he needed help setting up for the care package preparation. He said that would be fine. Then I confirmed that this needed to be done by Friday Night. I put this in my "to do" list. I had a TON of other stuff to accomplish. I worked yesterday like a dog to finish all of these other "to do" things so I could take this morning to prepare the care package items. I got here bright an early in my "work clothes" (shorts and tennies) when down to out basement and the set up was all complete! He had done all of it already! Why? I don't know! I did go to talk to him and he just said he took care of it when he had time. See here lies the problem he had NOTHING to do because I DO IT ALL!!! When I went to talk to him he was playing solitaire!
Thanks for listening to me rant!
One note of remembrance for today. Many people recall this day as the day the Twin Towers were attacked 8 years ago. I remember 13 years ago being a junior in high school and hearing my name being called over the loud speaker to come to the office after school. This was unusual for me as I was the model (PERFECT) student. I walked into the conference room where my computer teacher was. All she said was, "Kristin, she's gone." My best friend who had suffered with cancer since we were in 8th grade was finally at peace. I remember feeling like the room was spinning as the news sunk in and my teacher wrapped her arms around me as a cried. I still miss her even today and wonder if we would have stayed friends. I like to think we would have.
Of course on September 11th 2002 I remember I was in college in my Ed. Media class. The classroom where we met was also the office were teachers would check out televisions and other audio visual equipment. The woman in charge of checking this stuff out had a tv on her desk and was always watching something. I caught her once with the QVC website on her computer and the show on her tv. I remember being in class and this woman (not the teacher) turned her tv up and I thought that it was rather rude. Once the class ended they made the announcement. I looked at my cell phone (it was my first cell phone!) and saw my dad had called from home about 10 times with the news. I also remember that when I went to work that day (I worked taking orders for a catalogue) that the phones were dead. Later that week I was helping someone with and order from New Jersey and she said, "I have to go! My friend's son was in one of the towers and they think they might have found him at last!"
Crazy! Hope you're having a good day. I'm hoping mine will get better when I go to my first grad school class of the semester tonight from 5:30-10!
3.14 Friday Faves
8 hours ago
1 comment:
I hope your day got better and your first class was great!
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