Wow! It was a very busy weekend. The university students moved in on Sat. and I had tons of programs and such that I planned and needed to be at. When all is said an done I worked about 18 hours Sat.-Mon., made 10 gallons of kool-aide (all gone) and ordered 20 pizzas plus made 6 frozen ones (also all gone) and met lots of new students. I'm glad it's over. We have one more intense weekend (next weekend) and then we can settle into the routine of the year...hopfully. So I didn't have a "weekend" which kind of stinks but then I remembered that I was going to lunch with a good friend today. I just got back from that. She works at my alma mater a place that I hope some day I can work too. Right now though, it doesn't sound like a very stable place to work. She had a lot of woes to share. It made me feel better because I always pictured that place as an ideal place to work and now I can see that just like my work it has its challenges too.
In TTC news my temp was lower than I expected yesterday since I woke up an hour and half later than normal and today it was below the coverline. I have felt crampy all day so I think AF is announcing her arrival. I am kind of bummed of course about now being pregnant...again, and because even though I had a really good week of eating and exercise I'll probably show that lovely AF bloat weight gain when I weigh in tomorrow...bummer! If I stay on track though maybe I'll show a nice big loss the following week. I guess this gives me four more weeks of working on weight loss. That is always tough once school starts. Every week I go to a soup kitchen where we are asked to share a meal with the guests, then about every other week we have a meal for our students, not to mention all the other opportunities to eat! It is my goal this year to conquer these challenges head on...I don't have a plan for..yet. I do have a plan for TTC. We are not going to try for awhile. No more charting or temping or obsessing. I'm going to continue not to drink coffee and cut WAY back on drinking even before the TWW. More fruits veggies and exercising and no more BD!!!! Just plain old fashion good time sex! Hope it works!
3.14 Friday Faves
8 hours ago
1 comment:
Sounds like a great plan!! I never started charting again after I took my break and I think its a good idea. GL!!
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