This morning I got up before the sun and went for a run. I had to do this early because I needed to get to a funeral by 8:30am. The priest at my Alma mater died. The actual funeral didn't start until 10am but the doors were opening at 9am and I wanted to make sure to get a seat. Almost two years ago a beloved professor died and the minute the doors to the church were open it was packed and the students weren't even in class at the time! As I sat in the chapel that was so familiar to me and held such memories of who I was in college and how my faith and my life was shaped there I though about all the wonderful people God has called home that have affected my life. The professor, this priest, and others. One of my other former professors (I guess current as he'll be teaching my grad class next week) Said to me, "This is the end of an era. There aren't many progressive people life Father Tom left." I thought about my current boss (the priest) and about how he told us he would be leaving our parish within the next few years. Even though he drives me crazy I still like him. He's a good man, a "progressive" if you will. What will happen when he leaves? If you don't know much about the Catholic Church there seems to be a division between (for lack of better words) liberals and conservatives or progressive and traditionalists. I happen to be on the progressive side. Am I to carry this torch? To be a light to other progressive Catholics? But what if that's not what the people want? There are less an less of these progressive people out there. I would never want to give up my faith but I can't go back to the old days. Nor do I think we should! The funeral was beautiful.
Another sad thing happened. I was chatting with a guy who works at the soup kitchen I volunteer at during the school year. You may recall me mentioning to young pregnant girls I befriended there, even though at times it caused me a bit of pain and sorrow. I asked about the girls and their babies. The one girl's baby is two and half months the other's was stillborn! How awful! Of the two she was the one who was the most excited about having a baby. She would share her stories from the doctor and her ultrasound pictures. She couldn't wait to bring him to see me so I could hold him (she knows how much I love babies). It really broke my heart. And I wasn't there to comfort her. More importantly I have made a connection with this poor soul. I look forward to going back there and hearing the whole story.
My day ended happily with several visits from students, a surprise gift from a parishioner, and now an evening at home alone! I have a busy weekend filled with WORK! I hope to post when all the dust settles!
3.14 Friday Faves
9 hours ago
1 comment:
I'm so sorry for your loss, and for your friend's loss. Even if you couldn't be there for her when it happened, she'll appreciate getting to share her experience with you.
I loved the morning run pics. So much variety in just one route! Great job on the exercise and weight loss!
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